Thursday 3 November 2011

Construction of pre-lim task

FRONT COVER ^                                                      CONTENTS PAGE ^

On my Pre-lim task I believe that I have followed the specific task set. Within my front covers photograph I have brought the image quality down by keeping a shadow behind the character, I could improve this by photoshopping the shadow out of the image or directing the lighting differently. I believe that I have used the correct mis en scene within the well composed photograph well, I believe this because I have used a school uniform, this then displays a school atmosphere, although I have to criticise the lack of setting, as my background location does not display a school mis en scene in any particular way, to convince yourself that it is a school location you then have to read the main headline to convince yourself. Within my front cover I have applied a suitable school logo and school name to show that my magazine is a school magazine, although I believe that the title could be bolder and more readable as the colour is within the same colour range as the background. Within My front cover I also believe that I have used the correct text size to allow anyone to manageably read the text within the front cover, although It is easily distorted by the colour of the font as this is quite bright, therefore I could go on to change the colour scheme of the magazine and the font colour scheme so It is readable.

Within my contents page I have Followed on to use the specific genre and mis en scene, I have done this by using the same school uniform on my main story image, I have also used an artistic mannequin to represent the art school theme, although I can criticise the lack of setting within the contents page just as in the Front cover. I have also used the same model twice and there is not sufficient variety of images within the contents page. There is also the same colour scheme as the Front cover which could be changed to make things more readable. I can criticise the layout also, as it is un balanced and messy, therefore not presenting a formal representation such as in a school.

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